JAN 2021
29 JAN 2021
Building 3, 1st floor framing and second floor joist complete. Building 4 is following Building 3 with concrete being poured and complete. For Building 6, the elevator pit wall rebar has been placed.

22 JAN 2021
Building 3, wall framing. Thank you to all who are involved in this project.

20 JAN 2021
The 1st floor wall framing is about to start for Building 3. The underslab utilities for Building 4 are getting installed, and the Building 6 elevator pit footers framing in process.

19 JAN 2021
Stem wall forms for Building 5. The beautiful wall framing for concrete is under its way.

14 JAN 2021
Building 3. The floor slab concrete poured,,, and completed! Beautiful work!

11 JAN 2021
Building 6, elevator pit excavation.
Starting to create the foundation for the elevator pit which connects to the bike storage.

7 JAN 2021
Building 5 and 6 is in the process of earth work.
Building 3 with underslab utilities and Building 4 forming in preparation of concrete pour.