JAN 2022
28 JAN 2022
Taking advantage of sunny (but cold) weather, exterior paint for Building 2, 5 and 6 is complete! Below are the view image from the Northeast, South, and from the courtyard.

28 JAN 2022
In place. Plants in the backyard. Mailbox at the entrance. Unit fences for Building 3 and 4. (Now fences in progress for Building 1.)

21 JAN 2022
Fences for each unit are in progress. The difference in gaps between the wood is all calculated to secure privacy from all the angles as well as to be able to see the greenery from the inside.

21 JAN 2022
Working on bicycle parking now. Elevator installation is almost completed and the bicycle rack has been attached. Next step is to figure out the interior paint!

14 JAN 2022
The sidewalk is now accessible! It is (was?) a tough winter to plan out the concrete pour.

14 JAN 2022
The 1st floor patio at Building 6 is getting formed. In parallel, we are installing the elevator in the same building that will take you to the bicycle parking.

14 JAN 2022
1st floor patio at Building 4 is also complete and we are now starting to install the fence. This will give you privacy from the community.

7 JAN 2022
Showing the progress of pavers, sidewalk (concrete pour completed for the corner of the sidewalk!), and the wooden fence that will be placed between our neighbor and our community.

5 JAN 2022
Working on pavers. These detailed work makes a beautiful courtyard.

4 JAN 2022
Happy New Year! Despite rain (and snow) continuing in Portland, we are doing our best to keep up with the project. (Thank you to Green Hammer, our partner general contractor.) Pavers are still in progress. Building 3, 4 and courtyard is completed and now working on Building 1. On Burnside Street, stem walls are now structured. We are preparing to pour concrete for the sidewalk soon.