MAR 2021
31 MAR 2021
Many activities are going on at the site in the beautiful sunshine with the temperature over 65. Spring has arrived! Wall framing starts at Building 1, the largest building in this community. Skylights are ready to deliver natural lights at Building 4, and you can also enjoy the bedroom view at Building 5. Lastly, sub slab insulation is happening at Building 6.

27 MAR 2021
A lot of progress just in one day at Building 5. 2nd floor framing continues.

26 MAR 2021
1st floor concrete floor slab is poured and leveled at Building 1.
Enjoy the glance of the view from one of the bedroom window of Building 3. At Building 5, the 2nd floor framing is in progress.

24 MAR 2021
One of the bedroom view from Building 4. Exciting to see when all the trees are full of leaves.

23 MAR 2021
At Building 4, 2nd floor framing completed and started on roofing and weather barriers. Working on the 2nd floor joist at Building 5, and getting ready for the 1st floor concrete floor slab at Building 1.

19 MAR 2021
At Building 3, windows, exterior weather proofing is in process.

17 MAR 2021
Sub slab utilities are being installed at Building 1 and 6 (elevator and bike storage). Started installing the windows and skylights for Building 3, and 2nd floor framing continues at Building 4 nearly complete.

16 MAR 2021
1st floor framing is in progress at Building 5.

13 MAR 2021
Exterior weather barriers are being installed at Building 3.
Building 4, 2nd floor framing continues, roof trusses were delivered and lifted into place.

12 MAR 2021
Building 6 (where the elevator and bike storage will be), sub-slab utilities were installed, also getting ready for the pouring of the concrete floor slab.

10 MAR 2021
Building 1, sub-slab utilities are installed, getting ready for insulation and pouring of the concrete floor slab.

8 MAR 2021
Just in 1-2 business days, 2nd floor wall framing is up for Building 4. It is moving very fast.

4 MAR 2021
Building 1, pouring concrete for the footers.
You can also see in the back side, team started working on the exterior weatherproofing at Building 3, and the 2nd floor framing at Building 4.

3 MAR 2021
Building 3, framing completed, and you can now enjoy the stairway and the view from the 2nd floor. Building 4 is in the process of the 1st floor wall framing. Lastly, start of framing for Building 5 and concrete footer forming in process for Building 1. A lot going on.

1 MAR 2021
Building 6 with the elevator and the bike storage. The lower level concrete wall is complete.